How to Cancel a Date with a Girl Properly
In life, there are situations when you agree to go on a date or make an appointment, and then unexpected events occur because of which you don’t want or can’t meet. In this case, you have to cancel the appointment but in such a way that not to offend a girl and go on a date against the will or set of circumstances.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict what life situations await you in the future when you meet single ladies, and therefore, each man can always face a situation when they have to cancel a date due to different reasons. So, how to cancel a date so as not to offend anyone and how to get out of a date you already said yes to?
It Is Important to Be Polite When You Cancel a Date
Honesty is the best solution if you don’t want to hurt a girl. First, you need to be honest with yourself. Everyone deserves a chance, but sometimes we just know that everything goes wrong. If you don’t feel any attraction, and you are not interested either in a girl or a date, then it is better not to delay.
There is nothing wrong with calling in advance and canceling an appointment. This is much better than going to a restaurant with an unpleasant person because neither you nor a girl will enjoy this communication. But you have to do it politely. To sweeten your bitter words, say something nice at the end of your speech. For example, you can say this phrase, “I am very pleased to know that I cause such tender feelings in you” or say something like this, “Your courage does you honor, not everyone can invite a man to go on a date.” Be sure to note that you don’t want this conversation to spoil your friendship because she is very dear to you.
How to Avoid Being Rude When You Cancel a Date with a Girl?
It is often difficult to cancel a date especially if the girl is nice to you, and you don’t want to offend her. Such news should be said as polite and correct as possible. So, how to cancel a date?
Make it in advance
How to cancel a date nicely? Call her as soon as possible. It is unlikely that a woman will be pleased to know that you will not come when she arrives at the meeting place. It is much easier to cancel a date on the phone than to go on a date and spend the evening with someone you don’t like. Don’t forget to add that you are very sorry, and you would like to meet with her as soon as everything is settled.
Offer her to go on another date
If something really happened to you, and you want your meeting to take place another time, then call your girl and explain everything. Suggest an estimated date for the meeting. For example, you can say that you are free next Friday. You can also ask what plans your woman has for this day and whether she will be free.
Say you are sorry
…and explain why you can’t come on a date. The main thing is not to be rude. Most likely, the girl was preparing for a date, bought a new dress, went to the hairdresser to do her hair and makeup. And now you are saying you can’t come. Can you imagine how upset she’ll be? So, apologize and come up with the solution to what you can do with this situation.
Describe a reason but don’t overdo
How to politely decline a date? It is also worth explaining to her the reason why you can’t come. Best of all, tell the truth: you are tired, you feel bad, you were urgently called to work or, for example, you got a cat sick. If your girl calls you back later and asks how your cat feels, you should definitely answer and thank her for the care shown. The main thing is that it should be realistic reasons to cancel the first date.
Don’t make up fantastic and unrealistic excuses
If you decide to cancel a date but want to keep a friendly relationship with the girl, then coming up with good excuses to cancel a date, don’t forget to mention that she is a nice, interesting and good conversationalist, but you can’t go on a date because of (the reason). But don’t make a fool of her. Don’t tell her fantastic or unrealistic stories of why you can’t go out with her.
Good Excuses to Cancel a Date If You Really Don’t Want to Go
You promised to go on a date and then you changed your mind. Or you didn’t promise, but the inviter is too annoying and doesn’t let you out just like that. Here are four excellent pretexts that will help you get out of this situation.
A lot of work
You need to write a report/have deadlines/work instead of a sick colleague. Here it is, one of the best reasons to cancel a date. Workaholics are usually respected. At the same time, you can play on pity and tell her with a suffering voice that you are not going to be left without livelihood again, so for today, a computer monitor is your best friend.
You are sick
This is a classic. You are sick. We recommend referring to food poisoning. Despite the most unpleasant symptoms (which certainly don’t allow you to go somewhere), in the mild form, this disease goes pretty quickly. So, no one will be amazed to discover that you are in good health in 2 days.
Family or friends’ issues
Say that your parents asked you to help them with household chores: your dad brought the berries, and mom arranged a day of home cleaning. Grandma asked for help in transporting things to another city. Or say that your friends arrived from abroad. Unfortunately, you can’t refuse them, and you are forced to make changes to your personal plans. If a girl has a good family and friends, she is familiar with the concept of family/friends' responsibilities and will not insist on a date.
Honestly tell you aren’t ready
You just don’t want to. And it is true. You dream of watching Marvel films for the thousandth time and falling asleep in your bed at half-past ten in the evening. You have every right to do so, even if one of your friends persuades you to change your mind. By the way, this is a good option of how to cancel a date via text. There is nothing wrong if you cancel it like that.
Examples on How to Cancel a Date via Text
If a woman you are not interested in asks you to go out, you can send her a message or email. But how to cancel a date without being rude?
1. “Sorry, but I have a difficult situation right now. I need time to understand myself. I don’t want to offend you, but I really need it. I don’t want to rush the relationship with you, I need to think carefully.” - Well, you offer a girl to wait. 8 out of 10 girls never accept this. They don’t like to wait, and especially if this offer comes from a man they like.
2. “My interests and needs are constantly evolving and changing. But I don’t notice the same in you, your values remain unchanged. Therefore, we can’t develop together, we can’t be a couple. You should look for a more suitable man.” - This message will turn the actions of the girl in the right direction.
3. “Sorry, but I don’t think we can go on a date today.” or “I don’t feel the chemistry, but I like you as a person.” - If you don’t like this girl, you should honestly say that you are not interested. If she asks you to go out, let her know that you don’t want to meet so that she doesn’t get confused or want to spend even more time with you.
4. “I want to remain friends.” - If you are really good friends, it is worth saying how much she means to you, and that you don’t want to ruin everything. You can comfort her by saying that she is the best friend for you. This is how to get out of a date with a friend.
5. “You are very good, I like to spend time with you. But I’m not in love with you/I have a girlfriend/I doubt your sincerity. I’m sure that such a well-educated and intelligent girl like you will understand me and will not insist.” - If the girl is adequate, she will understand everything.
6. “I’m so sorry, but I am not looking for new acquaintances. I will be infinitely grateful if you don’t bother me. Have a nice day!” - Everything is very simple. There is no need to come up with excuses to cancel a date. Be self-confident but soft. There is no need to feel guilty for every “no” said. No one has the right to invade your life without your consent.
7. “For some reason, I can’t accept the invitation.” - Tell her openly why you think you can’t be together. If this is an obsessive girl from work, just say that her attention is now inappropriate and completely unnecessary to you. If this is an unfamiliar girl, then say that you have plans or you really want to be alone.
How to Get Out of a Second Date If You Didn’t Like the First One
Many of us are familiar with the awkward situation when a girl asks at the end of a meeting, “Will we see each other again?” and you already know that this person doesn’t suit you. You don’t want to meet with her anymore. But how to do it tactfully? Consider the ways to get out of a date.
Get them a feedback
Although the feedback has to be definitive and firm, try also to come up with some nice words. For example, you can say, “Thank you for inviting me, I was very pleased to talk to you, but I have no romantic feelings for you.” Don’t leave the question open. Make sure that the girl doesn’t believe that a date with you is possible in the future. Make your answer final.
Honestly tell them the truth without rudeness
When you begin to suspect a nascent attraction in her and anticipate an imminent invitation to a date, take preventive measures. Your behavior must be restrained, and communication must be friendly or even detached. Many girls are frightened of such behavior, and they don’t risk offering a date, being afraid to run into a refusal in response. This is how to cancel a date with a girl without being rude.
Thank them for their time
Next, be sure to appreciate a girl and thank her. She is cute, sensitive, kind, attentive, caring, etc. It is important to show that you appreciated her attempts to have a date with you. Besides, you have to give her confidence that she is not bad and deserves her happiness but only with another person. Let there be only a couple of such compliments, but they should be sincere.
It’s worth immediately clarifying that after such actions, it’s impossible to remain friends. Remember that girls never do anything just like that. A girl may remain nearby only because she still sees a chance to be with you. So, explain everything because it is better to segregate friends and lovers to complete happiness. It will be easier for both you and others.