
1) They are family-oriented women

Russian women see the aim of their lives is in realizing themselves as wives and mothers, more than Western women. The idea of a perfect family with a loving husband and many children is important to many women all over the world, but the importance of family for Russian women is what makes them special. It wouldn’t be exaggeration to say that Russian women value matrimony more than anything else and seek for men who are willing and able to live together in happiness forever.

In Russian society woman’s role is to marry and to have children. The primary ways they define success for women is – good marriage and kids. And only then goes the career building and career growth.

How to understand Russian woman

2) The possess lots of strength

Russian women are strong. The most quoted description of a true Russian woman: Would enter a house on fire, / Would hold up a galloping horse (A famous verse by Nekrasov, 1821-1877, “There Are Countrywomen in Russia…” ).They are albe to bear heavy things. They may survive in any situation: alone with the child, having no parents. They demonstrate their strength in forgiving. They can put up with everything, go against heart, do whatever is neede for others’ people sake. They care about their beauty, keep themselves beautiful even in the worst life conditions.

Despite all this strength, in relationships they are not afraid to show their weakness. Russian lady can let a man feel himself a Hero. In such a way she makes him a knight who will protect her honor in any situation. This principle doesn’t coincide with the plot of Nekrasov’s quote. In reality sides cooperate perfectly: Russian women are very powerful at one situation and weak at another. They simply adjust the side of the card as in a play according to the situation.

While Western Feminists tend to refuse their female nature and become self-confident and self-sufficient, Russian ladies cultivate their femininity more and more.

3) Character

Russian women are very calm and obedient. They can bear a lot and put up with everything. Their men drink a lot of alcohol and consider it to be cool. They bear the men who beat them justifying their behavior. Women bear all these tortures, trying to save families. Sometimes such relationships last the lifetime. But many of them desire better destiny. For this purpose, they badly want to meet a western foreign husband who will take care of them and won’t behave like the men from Russia. No wonder that more and more people use dating websites and agencies.

According to the science of Intercultural Communication women’ population prevails men’ in Russia. Feminine societies put emphasis on relationships and the quality of life. That explains a lot why Slavic, especially Russian woman is very caring and supportive, gentle and becomes the best domestic goddess.

How to understand Russian women?

“How can I understand women?” you may ask yourself. Here it’s possible to find the answer to the question. It’s a well-known fact that Russian women are perfect for marriage and thus they attract men interested in serious relationships. However, the nature of these ladies is sometimes difficult to comprehend. They are very controversial. They can be simultaneously tender and strong, introversive and outgoing, innocent and smoking hot. Their qualities are so diverse that foreign gentlemen may easily get lost when it comes to online or live interaction with Russian girls. To understand Russian lady, a foreigner should remember some peculiarities about her, because women are difficult to understand anyway.

The important issue in understanding Russian women is realizing that some traditions and beliefs that are extremely different and hard to understand by most of foreigners. It is important to keep an open mind and try to embrace these new ideas in order to make his new life partner feel more welcome in your life. It’s necessary to remember that his customs and traditions are just as foreign and strange to her as hers to him. It’s an obvious condition to learn as much information about the lifestyle, the traditions and beliefs before marriage to avoid unpleasant consequences and quick divorce.

It is accepted in post-Soviet countries that a man pays for a lady in a café, restaurant or any other place of entertainment, especially while dating Russian women. She will automatically look at a man who doesn't pay and wonder how he could supply his family with essential things if he can't pay for a meal and a movie. To understand Russian girl, it’s important to remember that they do not belong to the feminist mindset, that’s why they feel that paying for something is like a matter of pride for a man. What is more interesting she will still take money with her to avoid terrible conflict with the waiter and in order not to insult her partner in case he has some serious excuses.

It’s important to know what is important for Russian women for marriage. When choosing a partner, many girls give great importance to his intellect and erudition and self-education. They sincerely believe that the most important thing in a marriage is to have common topics for conversation. On the first real-life meeting, they are trying to impress him with their clever speeches and constantly trying to combine it with a wise and frank conversation. What is more, the situation can be complicated by the linguistic barrier but as practice shows, in a marriage, the communication is not as important as emotional compatibility since it is possible to chat with friends, colleagues, and other people. For the marriage, something different is needed: support, thrust, and attraction, respect to each other. There should be understanding a Russian woman in anything, not only the language which partners use.

What Russian women value the most in life?

Russian girl dating you in 99 cases out of 100 has the purpose to find a partner for life. Flirt and silly talks aren’t necessary for her. Actions mean more for her. She values a man who more than a man who only speaks.

It is easy to understand the degree of women’s devotion to their men. One of the most well-known and popular examples of it is the following one. During the revolutions when the wives of the rebels were granted divorce and allowed to remarry rather than being exiled to Siberia with their convicted husbands. They didn’t; accept the offer, instead of it, these women stood by their men and traveled to the inhospitable climate of the far north to live and die in misery having those that they loved the most near the heart. This fact proves that for any Russian woman her husband is the most precious person in her life.

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