Dating a 20-year Younger Russian Girl
There are many articles about dating Russian girls and developing relationships with Russian women. There is so much information that even the most confirmed bachelor who suddenly decides to change his life can succeed in dating Russian women and even create a family. But what about those of us who are looking for someone younger? You can even say, much younger. There are a lot of men who have turned a certain age and realized that they want to see a young, vigorous girl near them. And these ladies need a very special approach. Today we will take a closer look at the reasons why men date younger women and give some simple but effective advice.
Why 20-Something Girls Look for Older Men
Let's find out first, how it happened that we need each other and why older men are dating younger women. Twenty-year-old girls dream about an adult, an experienced man, and we dream about young beauties. Although a big age difference seems to be stopping us. But in reality, everything happens completely differently. Men are looking for young Russian girls and it is true.
It is worth saying that such marriages or just romantic relationships are not a feature of our era. Read a couple of historical novels, watch a few documentaries about life in the old days and you'll find out that the difference in age did not bother anyone before. If you really go into history, it turns out that in the Middle Ages, dynastic marriages were between gray-haired men and very young girls that had just literally stopped playing with dolls. Those feudal lords waited for years until the girl became a woman (in the medieval sense, of course) and was able to give birth to the heir.
Today, this phenomenon has disappeared without a trace. In any civilized society, at least. However, marriages between young girls and respectable, adult men remained. And they have become only more popular over the past decade. Yes, an acceptable age difference has become less, but the gap of 20 years between you and your partner is not a small one, especially within the framework of one human life.
So, what is the reason for this and how to date younger women? It's all about feedback. If the girls themselves did not want to marry someone who is older than them, nothing like this would have happened, so do not flatter yourself strongly. Young Russian lady wants you to marry her and that is the biggest matter.
What twenty-year-old girls find in adult men? Let's find out together why dating a 20-year-old woman is so promising:
1. Objectivity. In the life of a normal adult male who has turned 35 or 40, everything that the reckless youth could offer has already happened. Trips to Vegas in the company of college cronies, loud house parties, drives to the police after a get-together at the bar, crowds of girls – all this is the history. And all the men think about this wonderful time with a smile on their faces and, it is very importantly, with understanding. Understanding is the key word. An adult male will never strictly judge his girlfriend for behavior that is natural for all twenty-year-olds. In addition, any man over 35 understands that they still have everything ahead. They are still becoming fully fledged, mature persons, while you already seem different. That`s the biggest reason why women are looking for older men.
2. A living space that is ideal for co-development. The importance of your own house can be estimated only with the years. We do not see anything reprehensible in sharing an apartment with your common friend or even with another couple in youth. But all this is good and fun only at first. Living space is needed in order to grow together materially and spiritually. Most mature men have their own houses or separate apartments. They can let a girl into their life and immediately make her a mistress, give her the power to build her life the way she sees it.
3. Material wealth. Yes, many of us do not like to bring the matter of money up in the context of romantic relationships. But we are all adults, aren’t we? Money has one important ability – it simplifies lives greatly. It is just to simplify, not make it happy, get this difference. Most young people cannot afford to give their girlfriends everything they want. It often happens that even elementary everyday goods are getting with very great difficulty. And there are no guarantees that these benefits will be affordable in a month. With adult men, things are different. They have homes, cars, and stable earnings, which is enough to make your life easier and more pleasant.
4. Experience in a romantic relationship. Over 35-40 years, if a man has an active lifestyle and communicates with the opposite sex, he accumulates a lot of love experience. He knows how relationships begin, how to develop them, and how they can be destroyed. This experience is very important and you cannot buy it with all money of the world. A normal adult man learns from his mistakes, so he can save your relationship at the cost of his efforts alone.
5. The behavior of gentlemen. It only seems that all those courteous characters of black and white films are a relic of the past. It only seems to girls that it's enough to like the Facebook page and to upload joint photos on the Instagram in order to feel loved and surrounded by attention. In fact, it is the gentleman's behavior that makes them fall in love. Nobody canceled the power of etiquette. On the contrary, it has become even more relevant against the background of the modern type of relations between men and women. Girls are still crazy about opening doors in front of them or telling them old-fashioned compliments.
How to attract a 20-something girl
It's easier than you think. If you have an attractive appearance and take care of yourself in all senses (body, education, involvement in modern trends), your chances for dating a 20 year old girl are no worse than those of younger suitors. There are a few simple rules that can help you:
1. Do not make yourself a kid. Honestly, it looks very comical. Your age should be respectable. Be yourself. Oh, yes, no one likes boring old-fashioned men, especially twenty-year-old girls.
2. Say compliments. If you have the opportunity to see a girl you like in real life, show unobtrusive but understandable signs of attention. Compliments said face to face are excellent weapons in the era of virtual communication. You should remember it if you want to learn how to date a young girl.
3. Give flowers. Modern young guys neglect this for some reason, but girls like flowers as well as 100 years ago.
4. Demonstrate your capabilities. We do not mean that you need to take your girlfriend and go to the bank to demonstrate your solid account. No, use more subtle methods. Invite to the restaurant, drive her home, and tell unobtrusively about your house. There should be enough ideas on this matter in your 40 years!
Tips on How to Date a Young Girl
In conclusion, we will give a few small tips that will help you on a date with a young girl.
1. Think about the format of the meeting in advance. Most likely, your young lady will not be delighted with the idea of visiting your favorite opera. The best option is the classic option: going to the cinema and dining in the restaurant. If a girl loves sports, think of a joint active rest. This way, you can demonstrate that you are in a good shape.
2. React to her words with interest. Even if the girl's hobbies or the stories about her friends seem naive to you, do not show it. Young ladies are very touchy and do not tolerate a mentor's tone.
3. Share your past. Do not hesitate to tell that you were divorced or that you have children. Modern girls refer to this with understanding even at a young age.
4. Do not dress too formally. Remember, this is not a dinner in the company of investment bankers. Too big and expensive watch can cause a preconceived opinion about your intentions.
We hope that our article will help you, so good luck and have a good date!