
Sometimes, men who are in search of the one make a global mistake – they delay the moment of getting married. They either get used to the status of a bachelor and maintain the image of a lone wolf for the rest of their life, or they propose to the first girl they meet, choosing the wrong woman who is far from being the one. In the future, both types of men will talk a lot about "a happy life,” but everyone knows that everything is not as smooth as they pretend the things are.

How to understand that she is the one, your soulmate who smiles at you and makes you happy? Perhaps, you already hug her, kissing her shoulder in the morning. Do not let your ignorance lose the woman of your life, so read the following 10 signs you have met the one to dispel doubts.

signs you've met the one

10 signs you have met the one to dispel doubts.

Sure signs you've met the one. When you meet the right person, you just understand that this is your soul mate, you will have changes in values and the heart. It feels like butterflies in your stomach.

1. Everything has developed quite fast. You do not know how it has happened, but her image has clearly been ingrained in your memory since the very first minute of your meeting. It is one of the early signs you've met the one. Whatever events occur in your life, including problems at work or some personal troubles, you understand that you always want to see her and hear her voice. Subsequently, you can even find out that you are attracted to absolutely everything in her, including the manner of communication, the style of clothes, laughter, etc. You want to make an impression on her, you want to be better when she is next to you.

2. You feel comfortable with her 24 hours a day. You can spend half a day or even a few days together, but time will fly imperceptibly, and you do not want to leave her. When you were in the previous relationship, you needed loneliness. However, this doesn’t happen when you are with her, you feel incredibly comfortable. She accepts you completely, all your shortcomings, habits, jokes seem to her quite sweet and natural. Both the inability to leave each other and absolute acceptance are signs you have met the one.

3. You have the same sense of humor. The ability to find humor in acute moments of life greatly simplifies it. Actually, if you meet someone who can make you smile, and, at the same time, who knows when to stop, you will score big. Soulmates have alike sense of humor.

4. You have similar financial targets. There is no secret that money can make an important difference to the relationship, becoming the grounds of discord and dissatisfaction with the partner. If you do not need to come to a consensus on how you spend your money, and you don’t have any obvious contradictions in your spending habits, then this is one of the signs to know you met the one. Your soul mate is a person with whom you can find a common language when it comes to such, often controversial, topics as spending money.

signs you met the one5. She does not depend on you and respects your freedom. She's smart, interesting and can live without you. In her presence, you feel like a person because she doesn’t try to walk all over you or keep you down in any way. She doesn’t demand money, gifts or attention. She respects you, your interests and life goals, and she is also ready to build a relationship with you. A woman who is an individuality and who perceives you not as a lifeline or a bag of money, but the man of her life is the best choice.

6. You have shared values. How can someone become a soul mate if you constantly come across the very foundations such as religion or life goals? In fact, a soul mate is another person with their own opinion and thoughts, therefore, you may not believe in the same things. Nonetheless, you can still find a common language because you can have the same life principles, and this is much more important.

7. She is multifaceted, you do not get tired of discovering her other sides. No matter how long you are together, each time, she manages to surprise you, opening a new side of her rich inner world. She does not try to win your heart, change her image or attend some courses, she is simply inexhaustible. It's nice to discuss your affairs, thoughts, feelings, and dreams with her. You perceive her as a staunch ally of your ideas or a worthy opponent, she knows how to support, make you laugh, she has never bored you. It is a big part of the signs you've met the one.

8. You remain soul mates even if you quarrel. How do you know when you meet the one? You have long ceased to perceive yourself separately, you think "we", "us", "together." This does not mean that you do not have your own personal space, she has just become a part of your inner circle, and she closed it. Yes, it happens that you quarrel, disagree about the views or understanding of some trifles, but, at the same time, you stay close, look for compromises and are terribly afraid of losing each other. Quarrels do not separate you, these moments bring you even closer. Sometimes, you might see your own reflection in her eyes.

9. She does not have any secrets from you. You are each other's closest people and best friends, no wonder she knows more about you than anyone else in the world. You know a full background history about her female friends. She tells you everything to get off her chest and get some good advice, she belongs to you, and you belong to her. You do not have secrets from each other, there is love that will accept everything. This is one of the main signs you met the one.

10. She is ready to overcome any difficulties for you. Sometimes, you wonder why she is still with you after experiencing so many difficult and critical moments. Life is full of challenges, you can face lack of money, serious illnesses, a death of relatives, and she will be next to you, holding your hand and looking to the future with a smile. For your sake, she is ready to endure and fight because she has chosen you for some unknown reasons. You can relax, show your true face next to her because you know that she will understand you, and this gives confidence. She's just the one, and this is the highest happiness in the world.

How to meet the one if you are still single: useful tips

If you are expecting to meet a girl who looks like a magazine cover, then you will hardly have a happy relationship. Nobody asks to understate your demands, you just need to correlate them with reality. Usually, everything that is shown in movies and in magazines differs very often from reality. Girls do not sleep with a makeup. Sex rarely lasts for two hours, and if it does, it does not bring much pleasure. In general, life is very different from these beautiful glossy pictures. Reflect on your loneliness, maybe the problem lies in your too high expectations. So, how to meet the one?

Stop comparing. Stop comparing your relationship and the life of other people. Everything is different. You have chosen this girl for the reasons. She asked you out first, didn’t she? However, you always had a choice not to go with her anywhere, you could stay at home and watch a new collection of videos with Riley Still. You accepted the offer. So, she is your choice. There is no way back, and you should stop comparing her to all the girls around. You will always find someone younger/ prettier/ nicer/ smarter. In general, a comparison is a disgusting thing both in a relationship and in life as a whole. Besides, in the end, you do not know what's going on with this couple outside of Instagram. So, stop comparing your relationships through the prism of social networks, especially when you meet the one.

when you meet the right oneLearn to conquer a woman. You order your food to go, watch movies at home and communicate with people without leaving your comfort zone. Of course, why should you spend a whole month on conquering a very nice and sweet girl, when you can find a one-night stand? You can even date a little, but both of you know what the next step is. Do you think this is the very conquest and you meet the one? No, it's a weakness. Everything is not so easy in this life. If you want to have a good car, you need to save money for years, and if you want to meet the one and have a happy relationship, you should work on it.

You shouldn’t stop trying hard in a relationship. Even if you've been dating for more than several months, this does not mean that you can end up with courtship, compliments, and flowers. Even having received the favor of your chosen one, you need to make an effort in your relationship all the time. Pay attention to her and listen to all her stories about friends, work matters and another 100 unnecessary facts that she wants to share with you. She's a girl, and she needs more attention and support than all your friends taken together. When you meet the right one, give her more time and appreciate your relationship. If you lose the very girl, you will sit alone again and think about how bad it is to live and be single in this vast world.

Don’t use double standards. You like the girl, and you want to have sex with her as soon as possible. Ideally, you would like to meet her and have sex on the same day without preludes like a movie and a cafe. You have already communicated and met, and you like her. You want to continue your relationship in a horizontal position, and you're lucky. On the first date, you got what you wanted. However, your head is full of different thoughts like, " When will I meet the one? Is it she? Why did I get everything so easily? Why did it all happen on the first date? Did she have many such first dates?” Stop concerning your head with unnecessary things. Only moments of your happiness are important. The relationship is not built on her or your past. If you like to be with her, why do you spoil the moment with all the moral clichés and definitions? Concentrate on the good side.

Change your mind. “You do not owe anything to anyone” is a very popular phrase among the contemporary life couches, business coaches and other people who teach you to live, and who do not live by their own rules. "I do not owe anything to anyone," is a great phrase, just like from your childhood. You need to understand this phrase correctly. It contains the idea that you do what you do because you like it, and you want to do it. For example, you go with her to the movies to watch a sentimental melodrama not because you must, but because you want to please her. It’s quite normal for the serious relationship. How to meet someone and not to lose them? Communicate with girls as much as possible, looking for common ground, and when you meet someone special, do your best not to spoil everything.

A relationship is a hard work

Don’t think that a relationship can be very easy, it is always a complicated thing in this or that way. Even if you have met the one, you can face difficulties anyway. If you really decide to create a healthy relationship with the girl, then make efforts. So, give yourself to her fully if you want to get love back. Read good books and love her so much to be able to write a book about your own fairytale with a happy ending.

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