
Can Romantic Gestures Save a Relationship?

Maintaining a functioning, passionate, and loving relationship, even after many years, is much easier than you think. There are many ways to do it, even a very basic romantic gesture of love and affection will do the job. Ask any happy and satisfied couple about the secret of their successful relationship and you will most likely find out that it requires a lot of effort and attention. But what does this mean? And what should you do to make your relationship full of love and passion even after many years of coexistence? The secret lies in small signs of attention and romantic gestures that both partners should do to show their respect for each other.

Let’s now list some romantic gestures ideas to bring your girlfriend back.

romantic gestures for your girlfriend

Romantic Gestures to Win Her Back

Arrange a romantic evening for your ex-girlfriend

This is one of the most romantic gestures for your girlfriend. It is relevant both at the initial stage of a relationship and in the case when it comes to later stages of a relationship. Perhaps, in the second scenario, it is even more appropriate, when you are living in a shared apartment, and a woman does household chores, it is quite likely that a woman will be glad to relax once in a while. You should not underestimate the power of a romantic dinner, you can do it both at home, order some food, or go to a fancy restaurant. It is advisable to be ready to pay some decent money for such a trip, after all, to tell your partner that you are out of money will be just rude, and it will ruin a date. Give her flowers, invite her to see a romantic movie, arrange a walk through the city at night or provide her with an intimate massage session, having prepared everything necessary for a relaxing procedure in advance.

Give her a stunning bouquet of gorgeous flowers

Many men simply underestimate the power that flowers have on women’s hearts. Some men believe that this is a very unpractical gift, and when they express this opinion to women, the latter usually tends to agree with them. In this case, in fact, it is rather difficult to meet a girl who would not be pleased with such a surprise. Yes, perhaps, it can be said that a bouquet of expensive flowers is impractical. But the flowers are absolutely beautiful! Every time a woman will see a vase with the flowers that you have given her, she will probably smile and think of you in a positive way. Of course, a woman realizes that the flowers will wither in a few days, and yeah, you’ve spent a lot of money on them. However, women see this as a positive thing: you've decided to buy her something that doesn’t have that much of particular use, something expensive, yet beautiful. And besides, women love flowers, it doesn’t matter what you may have heard before. Thus, to get your woman a bouquet of flowers is one of the easiest romantic gestures for her you can pull out.

What to say during a personal meeting or by phone?

If you still have the opportunity to talk with your partner by phone or in person, then the main thing, in this case, is not to make serious mistakes. What should be discussed first? Since your goal is to make peace with a lady that you love, and not aggravate your current position, do not forget about the most elementary of nuances. There should be no aggression and discontent in your voice and gestures – a woman will unwillingly wish to end such a conversation as soon as possible. Undoubtedly, having decided on a dialogue with you, she hopes that it will be constructive and rational. Excessive emotions can come to bite you on the ass. Since now you face a difficult situation, show your woman that in such cases, you prefer not to panic but to reasonably and thoughtfully approach the solution of difficulties.

How to Behave After Being Forgiven or Refused

big romantic gesturesHaving achieved forgiveness from your partner, you must show her that you have become a different man. First of all, try to avoid repeating the mistakes that previously harmed your love. Try to support your lady, pay attention to her, return to the magic of the first days of your relationship. However, it is also important not to overdo it in this situation, for example, don’t barrage your partner with gifts. Behave naturally, but do not go back to past mistakes – this is the main rule.

Having received a firm refusal from your girlfriend, have the courage to accept it. Talk to her, ask if she is sure that you can’t do anything to change her decision. If she tells you that reconciliation is still impossible, you should retreat. Tell her that you are very sorry that everything has happened that way and that you will hope that her decision will change sooner rather than later, but you don’t see the point of further annoying her with your requests for reconciliation since she seems to be serious about her decision. Say goodbye on a positive note, it may increase your chances of reconciliation down the line.

There are some small and rather insignificant gestures of affection, but there are those that require a lot of effort and preparation. Let’s now list some of the big romantic gestures that we know of.

Grand Romantic Gestures

Go on a trip with your partner

It doesn’t matter whether you’re leaving only for a weekend or three weeks. Even a week that was devoted to relaxation is a real elixir of youth for relationships, which should not be underestimated. A simple trip to a beautiful place may be the easiest way to reignite a relationship that was growing stale.

Give your partner some personal space

This may not sound like something that should belong on the list of grand romantic gestures, but it very important. From time to time, plan a day or a weekend to spend one without each other. Everyone needs a place and time that will be dedicated to themselves alone. Don’t underestimate the importance of this, personal space is one of the most important aspects of any relationship, constant intrusions into it will destroy your relationship.

Surprise your partner

Do not wait for a special occasion, make surprises all the time. Buy a gift, write a romantic message or simply order their favorite song on the radio. The basis of the functional relationship is precisely these seemingly unimportant, small gestures of love and attention, but the key is to be consistent, don’t just forget about them after a few months in a relationship.

Relive your first date

Do not wait for the anniversary of your first date to please your soulmate. You will probably have only one shot at this, so you have to make it memorable, but it will leave a lasting impression on your partner. Nostalgia is a very strong feeling, and it brings all sorts of positive memories. Just revisit all of the places that you went to during your first date, be gentle and caring, talk about your past and the best of times that you’ve spent together. Let’s now talk about some romantic gestures for a new relationship and small romantic gestures to keep in your arsenal.

Small Romantic Gestures

You would think that most romantic gestures require lots of effort and money, but this is not always the case.

Cook dinner for your partner

If you do not know how to do this yet, learn to cook your partner’s favorite dish and, from time to time, surprise them with it. So, in a discreet and modest way, you can express that you care about them and want to please them. Wash the dishes or do the chores your partner doesn't like to do. Find out what they don’t like the most and do it for them. Even if it will be only a one-time deal, it will mean a lot for your partner.

Come up with a romantic nickname

Come up with a nickname, a gentle word to call your partner, it will be intended only for you two. It is not necessary to be overly sweet and childish. This may be an unconventional form of the name. It is important that it will be used only between you, giving them the feeling of uniqueness and intimacy.

Study together

Learn new things together. It does not matter whether it is salsa lessons, a climbing wall or a massage course. Such joint recreation will bring you together and will provide you with lots of new topics for conversation.


Couples who play sports together are generally very strong. Common training routine, common desire to beat each other’s results and achievements, support, and admiration are things that will provide you with lots of new experiences. Health benefits are a nice bonus.

grand romantic gesturesA late-night date

Here’s one of the best romantic gestures for your wife you should remember. From time to time, organize a night outside your home. Rent a room in a good hotel or book a wellness weekend. It is important to escape from your bubble and the environment that surrounds you at all times to just relax, unwind all of the pressure, and relieve stress.


Although this is not easy to do it in the daily cycle of a family, at home and at work, you still have to arrange some way to relax at least once in a few weeks. You do not have to leave your home for a whole weekend, rest in a bath and then treat your partner with a massage, it will only strengthen your mutual intimacy.

Develop a plan for your recreation instead of endless discussions on where to eat or what movie to watch. Sometimes it's nice not to think. Plan an evening that your partner will enjoy. This way, you will save a lot of time which you would spend arguing about this or that.

Bring a souvenir to your partner from a trip

It doesn’t matter whether you were on vacation or on a business trip, bringing something for your partner that will show them that you thought of them while you were away. There are many romantic gestures that don’t require a lot of effort and this is one of them.

Show them your favorite places

Show your loved one all the important places in your life, whether it's a restaurant where your family always eats in your hometown or your secret place just around the corner.

Insist on watching something together

Be true to your word and do not miss or watch a new series without each other.

Surprise them with something pleasant if they had a bad day

Everybody has bad days. Maybe their job was a little hard today, or maybe your loved one got some bad news. In any case, a nice bouquet of flowers or their favorite ice cream can make them smile, even if only for a minute.

Share a secret family recipe with your partner

Are you interested in some simple romantic gestures for her? Well, you don’t really have to do anything in the case of this gesture. When a holiday is just around the corner, let’s say that Christmas is in a week, tell your partner a family recipe. This is the perfect way to show how important they are to you. It doesn’t necessarily have to do anything with cooking, but rather with anything that is usually considered to be a secret of sorts.

Bring them their favorite meal from a restaurant

Do you know that your loved one loves pasta from the restaurant? Stop and buy a dish for your partner and bring it home.

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